views from a garden log

M Y  G A R D E N

I love to grow things and like my garden to be wanton, only slightly tamed and full of good things to eat. I let plants self-seed mercilessly - even the vegetables seem to grow better this way - and I hardly ever water. I ‘edit’ occasionally but cannot bring myself to be ruthless: poppies, marigolds, borage, nasturtiums, rocket and marigolds fill my vegetable patch and angelica runs riot over the gravel garden. The ducks and chickens have the run of the garden, scratching up the beds, and deer are frequent night-time visitors in my newly planted orchard... yet somehow things survive.
I never cease to be amazed at how much the garden changes from season to season, even from day to day and hour to hour. I love to take photographs and to capture my thoughts and the garden’s progress in an occasional diary, highlights of which will now feature in views from a garden log.


  Sorry too busy harvesting!!! - more coming soon...

  free wild rocket seeds


first poppy of the year - monday, 5th june


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f l y i n t h e f a c e - h o m e - p r o j e c t s - g a r d e n l o g - c o n t a c t - l i n k s