art for a change  
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a selection of sites that have informed, shocked or inspired me...



greenpeace - independent global campaigning organisation, defending the natural world and promoting peace by investigating, exposing and confronting environmental abuse, and championing environmentally responsible solutions. Campaigns include climate change, Arctic, rainforests and, of course, oceans.
beyond nuclear - US organisation working for a world free from nuclear power and nuclear weapons - packed with useful information. Nearer (very near) to home: Stop Sizewell C
platform - combines art, activism, education and research in one organisation, creating unique projects driven by the need for social and ecological justice.
surfers against sewage - information and campaigning about water quality
nef - new economics foundation, a London-based independent think-and-do tank which believes in economics as if people and the planet mattered
the marine conservation society (MCS) - the UK charity dedicated to protecting our seas, shores and wildlife. Produces the annual Good Beach Guide, as well as promoting public participation in volunteer projects and surveys such as Beachwatch.
air quality archive - causes & effects of and forecasts for UK air pollution
centre for alternative technology - UK's major centre for environmental inspiration and courses
LILAC - the UK's first affordable ecological cohousing project. Be inspired!
the man in seat sixty-one - this really helpful site will tell you how to travel overland by train comfortably and affordably where you thought flying was the only option
the wrecking season - inspiring film by Jane & Nick Darke about beachcombing on the North Cornwall coast.
This changes everything - Naomi Klein's brave, brilliant and compelling book on climate change. A must-read... "inspiring change and the need for immediate action".
algalita marine research foundation - California-based marine research and education organisation working towards a plastic pollution-free world through field researcg, analysis and education.
The rime of the modern mariner - haunting, beautiful and angry update of Coleridge's classic by Guardian cartoonist/ author/ illustrator, Nick Hayes - the fantastical voyage is now one of environmental catastrophe through the North Pacific Gyre....
Sheila McKechnie Foundation - charity aiming to connect, inform and support campaigners. Includes Campaign Central database.
GYRE - inspiring expedition and exhibition in Alaska highlighting issues of marine litter. Links to participating artists here.
backoftheocean - beachcombed, cycled, recycled, upcycled and rearranged treasure from the beaches of Europe, especially the Isle of Man
plastic pollution coalition - U.S. not-for-profit organisation campaigning for their vision of a world free of plastic pollution and of the toxic impacts of plastic on humans, the environment, wildlife and marine life.
talking walking - activism, art, gossip, interviews and news from the world of walking... Listen to artists (including me!), specialists and walkers talking about how walking inspires their work and shapes our world.
garden organic - the UK charity for organic growing
transition network - encourages sustainable communities and provides advice on how to create them
WDC - global charity dedicated to the conservation and welfare of all whales and dolphins